Virtual Reality Shopping
There’s no doubt that virtual reality is set to be big in 2016, with the latest introduction coming as exciting news for retailers. A demo for luxury retailer The Line showcased the virtual shopping experience, allowing users to browse through their products set out in a stylish apartment. Users can then select items they’d like more information about, by focusing on diamond markers placed near products. While virtual reality is still experimental with its uses, it’s looking like it could bring some big changes to the shopping experience.
Read more about the virtual shopping experience here.
Global Social Ad Spend
Recent figures from Kenshoo have shown that updates in Facebook’s ad products, combined with the wider availability of Instagram ads has contributed to the whopping growth in ad spend. In the final quarter of 2015, social advertising saw a 50% increase year on year - that’s 6 times the increase for search marketing. Unsurprisingly, mobile was the biggest drive in results, responsible for almost all of the ad spend increase in paid search. It’s great to see that social ad spend is being valued more than ever by marketers.
Find more on these latest figures over on The Drum.
Bye Bye Katie!
This week we said bye bye to Account Exec Katie, as she heads off to London to start a new job down south. Katie been a great help with some really exciting client work, so we’ll be sad to see her go. We’re wishing her all the best for life in the big city!